Chapter 14 Focus Questions
1. How can assisitive technology serve as a reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities in college?
AT can be used to help college students during classes and testing situations and in completing assignments.
- a student is unable to take notes they may use a SmartPen to record lectures.
- student that cannot hear or understand lectures may be given a Sign language interpreter
- students that need to asscess the internet can be provided screen maghifications, screen reading, or text-to-speech applications.
5. How can apps for the iPhones, iPod Touch, and other handheld devices be used to provide visual supports for students with severe disabilities?
Visual supports can make use of any of the symbol systems such as line drawings or tacile symbols. Visual supports can be created by taking digital photos of the actual student in each environment or completeling each step in an activity. (Example: Sample talking picture schedule, created with the iPrompt app.)
Jess, I think you answered these questions very thoroughly,and your answers make sense. Maybe go back and add a "short overall discussion" to introduce what the questions are about. Good job!